A number of
AAIDD conferences sessions/workshops related to
ID/MR Dx and Atkins MR/ID Death Penalty cases.
Atkins v. Virginia : Challenges and Pitfalls in Diagnosing ID in a Forensic Context
Moderator: Marc J. Tassé, The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Post-Atkins Decisions by Juries and Judges
John H. Blume, Cornell Law School
Assessing Intellectual Functioning
Kevin S. McGrew, Institute for Applied Psychometrics
Assessing Adaptive Behavior in a Forensic Context
James R, Patton, University of Texas at Austin
Assessment of Malingering
Denis William Keyes, College Of Charleston
Retrospective Diagnosis
Sal Blandino, Licensed Psychologist
Closing Commentary
Stephen Greenspan, University of Colorado at Denve
Workshop #1:
Evaluations and Expert Testimony in Criminal Cases
James Ellis, UNM School of Law, University of NM
Disability professionals are increasingly called upon to provide evaluations and expert testimony in criminal cases, particularly in Atkins cases where the defendant's intellectual disability is at issue. Participating in these life-and-death proceedings can be a daunting prospect. This workshop will include explanation of the criminal law issues involved, diagnostic and classification issues under the new AAIDD (11th edition) manual, and practical suggestions from disability professionals who have participated in these cases.
Workshop #2
Understanding and Using the 11th Edition of Intellectual Disability: Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports
Bob Schalock, PhD, Ruth Luckasson, JD, Wil Buntinx, PhD, Pat Craig, PhD, Alya Reeve, MD, Karrie Shogren, PhD, Marc Tasse, PhD, Jim Thompson, PhD
11th Edition Implementation Committee members will present and discuss in detail key issues in the field related to diagnosis, classification, and supports planning. As a basis for maximum interaction and problem solving, workshop participants will be required to bring or purchase a copy of the 11th edition of the Manual. The workshop format will involve presentations, interactions, and opportunities to problem solve.
Technorati Tags:
forensic psychology,
forensic psychiatry,
school psychology,
educational psychology,
IQ tests,
IQ scores,
adaptive behavior,
adaptive functioning,
intellectual disability,
mental retardation,
criminal psychology,
criminal defense,
criminal justice,
American Bar Association,
Atkins cases,
death penalty,
capital punishment,
Atkins MR/ID listserv,
ICDP blog