Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why the ASVAB should not be used in Dx of MR/ID: IAP Applied Psychometrics 101 # 9 report

I'm pleased to announce the posting of IAP Applied Psychometrics 101 Report No: 9 is now available. In addition to the written text, an appendix includes a dozen figures intended to help readers understand the fundamental and important difference between intelligence and aptitude batteries.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB): Why it should not be used to in the determination of a diagnosis of mental retardation / intellectual disability Click here to access (due to the figures it is relatively large...weighing in at 7+ MB)


ASVAB scores are often incorrectly interpreted as a measure of general intellectual functioning in the context of determining if a person is an individual with (or without) mental retardation (MR) / intellectual disability (ID). The ASVAB is an aptitude battery and not an intelligence test battery. Although the differentiation between aptitude and intelligence test batteries measures may (at times) sound fuzzy, the distinction between the two is critically important, particularly regarding how the different respective batteries are designed, the abilities they each measure, and how the resultant scores should be validly interpreted. The aptitude -intelligence test battery distinction is clearly defined in psychological measurement fields. Although aptitude and intelligence batteries often measure some overlapping abilities, the ASVAB-as-an-aptitude measure is often confused with the incorrect interpretation of the ASVAB-as-IQ (general intelligence) measure. This report explains the distinction.

- iPost using BlogPress from my Kevin McGrew's iPad

- iPost using BlogPress from my Kevin McGrew's iPad