Another Florida Atkins MR/ID decision (Franqui v Florida, 2011) that reinforces the state of Florida's Cherry Court based "bright-line" (or what I think is a "not-so bright-approach") standard for evaluating IQ test scores. Again, one of the most accepted psychometric concepts in the arena of intelligence testing (SEM) is disregarded by Florida.
Also of interest is the apparent use of expert testimony only via written statements--no actual oral testimony. Haven't seen that one before, although I've not read all Atkins decisions.
This decision will be added to the ICDP Court Decisions blogroll.
- iPost using BlogPress from my Kevin McGrew's iPad
intelligence intelligence testing Atkins cases ICDP blog psychology school psychology neuropsychology Forensic psychology criminal psychology criminal justice death penalty capital punishment ABA IQ tests IQ scores adaptive behavior AAIDD mental retardation intellectual disability Flynn effect practice effects SEM standard error of measurement bright-line Florida death penalty Frangui v Florida