From: "R.K. McKinzey, Ph.D." <>
Date: June 28, 2010 7:12:23 PM CDT
Subject: [atkinsmrdeathpenalty] WPE: Reprints Available--Sellers 2006
This has been added to WPE's Reprints Available page:
Sellers, S., Byrne, M. K., & Golus, P. (2006). The Detection of
Malingered Psychopathology and Cognitive Deficits: Employing the Fake
Bad Scale and the Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices. Psychiatry,
Psychology and Law, 13(1), 91-99.
The feigning of cognitive deficits and the feigning of
psychopathology are generally regarded as two separate domains of
malingering. Malingering detection techniques have usually been
developed and applied with this distinction in mind. This study is
one of the first to integrate malingering detection approaches across
the cognitive and psychological domains. Three groups of Australian
university students (N = 102) completed Lees-Haley, English and
Glenn's (1991) Fake Bad Scale (FBS) and Raven's (1989) Standard
Progressive Matrices (RSPM). For both instruments, the first group
was instructed to respond accurately and truthfully to all items, the
second group to fake cognitive deficits and the third group to fake
psychopathology. As predicted, the FBS was effective when used alone,
with an overall sensitivity of 81%, and no false positives. The FBS
was equally sensitive to the malingering of cognitive deficits and
psychopathology; a similar pattern of results was obtained for two
subtests of the RSPM. It was concluded that malingerers tend not to
discriminate between cognitive and psychological test instruments
when feigning either type of symptom. (PsycINFO Database Record (c)
2010 APA, all rights reserved)
R.K. McKinzey, Ph.D.
Editor, WebPsychEmpiricist:
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