> Call for Papers: Criminal Justice & Behavior
> Criminal Justice & Behavior announces a forthcoming special issue on
> "Diversion from the Criminal Justice System." This special issue is
> being edited by David DeMatteo, JD, PhD, and Kirk Heilbrun, PhD.
> Manuscripts that address a wide variety of topics related to
> diversion from the criminal justice system will be considered for
> this special issue. Of particular interest are manuscripts that
> address diversion of adult and juvenile offenders based on mental
> health disorders or substance abuse, and interventions that can be
> targeted at various points in the criminal justice process (ranging
> from initial contact with law enforcement to re-entry into the
> community following release from incarceration). Both empirical and
> theoretical manuscripts are welcome.
> The deadline for submitting manuscripts is December 15, 2010.
> Manuscripts should be 25-35 double-spaced typewritten pages,
> including graphs, charts, figures, tables, and references. All
> manuscripts should adhere to the guidelines contained in the
> Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th
> edition, 2001). Abstracts should not exceed 120 words, and three to
> seven keywords should be included. Manuscripts should be submitted
> electronically in Word format to Dave DeMatteo (dsd25@drexel.edu) or
> Kirk Heilbrun (kh33@drexel.edu). Inquiries regarding manuscripts
> for this special issue can be addressed to either special issue
> editor.