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<<<<<<<<<<PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY>>>>>>>>>>>Call for Presentation Proposals:Disability Law Symposium - Mar. 22-23, 2012 @ UC, Berkeley Boalt HallRebranding Disability Law: The Intersection of Disability with Gender,Race, Class and Other Identitieshttp://berkeleydisabilityrights.tumblr.comCo-sponsors (partial list): Boalt Disability Law Society; BerkeleyJournal of Gender, Law & Justice; Thelton E. Henderson Center for SocialJustice; Disability Rights, Education & Defense Fund; UC, BerkeleyDisability StudiesOur focus is on the intersection of disability and other civil rightsconstructs such as gender, sexuality, class, race, ethnicity and religion.Presentations should be grounded in law (rights, discrimination, equity)and/or public policy. Our goal is to "re-brand" the field of DisabilityRights to encourage students to think of this (1) as a subset of thebroader civil rights movement and (2) as part of the largerdisability-related disciplines at the University.The tentative format will be a Thursday late afternoon keynote address bySamuel Bagenstos ("Olmstead, Race, and Class") after introductory remarksby Arlene Mayerson. Friday will include 3 panels of speakers (themes,speakers & formats TBD) and a lunchtime keynote address by Carrie GriffinBasas ("HIV Stigma/Sex(uality) Stigma"). On Thursday evening there will bean informal discussion forum on current legal and policy issues and onFriday a reception will be held at the Ed Roberts Campus after closingremarks.We are seeking approximately 9 presenters in addition to our keynoters,with the hope that each panel will have a common theme. (Proposals can beeither for a single speaker or for a speaker and 1 or 2respondents/discussants). The Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justicewill publish suitable symposium papers, but it is not required thatpresenters also submit a paper. Please email a 2-3 paragraph abstract no later than November 16, 2011 and indicatewhether you intend to submit a paper for publication. We regret that wecannot guarantee funds for travel or accommodations for panelists.With the recent funding of a Disability Initiative at UC, Berkeley, theopening of the Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley, and the continuing emphasison clinical and interdisciplinary legal education, we hope this symposiumwill solidify the importance of Disability Rights within the curriculum atBerkeleyLaw and sister law schools. We look forward to your proposals.Thank you.Plannning/Advisory CommitteeMary Lou BreslinClaudia CenterSamantha GrodenArlene MayersonKaty MerkFrancis NugentVictoria PlautStephen RosenbaumSue SchweikJonathan SimonShira WakschlagWilda White==============