Thursday, December 2, 2010

IQ test battery publication timeline: Atkins MR/ID Flynn Effect cheat sheet

As I've become involved in consulting on Atkins MR/ID death penalty cases, a frequent topic raised is that of norm obsolescence (aka, the Flynn Effect). When talking with others I often have trouble spitting out the exact date of publication of the various revisions of tests, as I keep track of more than just the Wechsler batteries (which are the primary IQ tests in Atkins reports). I often wonder if others question my expertise...but most don't realize that there are more IQ batteries out there than just the Wechsler adult battery....and, in particular, a large number of child normed batteries and other batteries spanning childhood and adulthood. Thus, I decided to put together a cheat sheet for that I could print and have in my files. I put it together in the form of a simple IQ battery publication timeline. Below is an image of the figure. Double click on it to enlarge.

An important point to understand is that when serious discussions start focusing on the Flynn effect in trial's, most often the test publication date is NOT used in the calculation of how obsolete a set of test norms are. Instead, the best estimate of the year the test was normed/standardized is used, which is not included in this figure (you will need to locate this information). For example, the WAIS-R was published in 1981...but the manual states that the norming occurred from May 1976 to May 1980. Thus, in most Flynn effect discussions in court cases, the date of 1978 (middle of the norming period) is typically used. This makes recall of this information difficult for experts who track all the major individually administered IQ batteries.

Hope this helpful...if nothing must admit that it is pretty :)  Click on image to view.

- iPost using BlogPress from my Kevin McGrew's iPad