A major function (and currently the primary function) of the ICDP blog is to be a clearinghouse on Atkins related decisions. As indicated by the number of Court Decisions posted to date (n=67; with a backlog of at least 1/2 dozen more), the blog has been successful in this clearinghouse function.
However, it is often hard to determine what actually transpired during the oral arguments that resulted in a final decision. I do not have access to legal databases (Lexis/Nexus) and have been fortunate to have a number of individuals (Kevin Foley in particular) who find and send me most all official documents I post. However, even those who have access to these legal databases have difficulty securing copies of transcripts of the actual oral arguments behind decisions. Thus, although I could end up regretting the decision to make this "all call" post (as I have trouble keeping up with the current flow of information being sent to ICDP), the purpose of this post is to request attorneys that work on these cases to forward any trial court related documents (esp. transcripts of oral arguments or links to PDF, MP3, or video's of the arguments; Amicus Briefs; psychological reports) to the blogmaster (iap@earthlink.net).
Obviously, this "all call" will only work if attorneys read this blog and notify others of its existence. So...if you are an attorney who visits this blog with any regularity, please consider sending any of the documents described above (related to Atkins cases) and notify other attorneys of the existence and purpose of the ICDP.
Thank you. The success of this blog has hinged largely on a small group of dedicated professionals who send me copies of documents. The continued success of the clearinghouse function will depend on the contributions of others. And, attorneys involved in Atkins cases have an open invitation to submit guest blog posts for possible posting.
Thank you.
Technorati Tags: psychology, educational psychology, school psychology, forensic psychology, court decisions, criminal psychology, criminal defense, Atkins cases, MR, ID, mental retardation, intellectual disability, death penalty, capital punishment, IQ, IQ scores, ABA, American Bar Association, ISIR, oral arguments

However, it is often hard to determine what actually transpired during the oral arguments that resulted in a final decision. I do not have access to legal databases (Lexis/Nexus) and have been fortunate to have a number of individuals (Kevin Foley in particular) who find and send me most all official documents I post. However, even those who have access to these legal databases have difficulty securing copies of transcripts of the actual oral arguments behind decisions. Thus, although I could end up regretting the decision to make this "all call" post (as I have trouble keeping up with the current flow of information being sent to ICDP), the purpose of this post is to request attorneys that work on these cases to forward any trial court related documents (esp. transcripts of oral arguments or links to PDF, MP3, or video's of the arguments; Amicus Briefs; psychological reports) to the blogmaster (iap@earthlink.net).
Obviously, this "all call" will only work if attorneys read this blog and notify others of its existence. So...if you are an attorney who visits this blog with any regularity, please consider sending any of the documents described above (related to Atkins cases) and notify other attorneys of the existence and purpose of the ICDP.
Thank you. The success of this blog has hinged largely on a small group of dedicated professionals who send me copies of documents. The continued success of the clearinghouse function will depend on the contributions of others. And, attorneys involved in Atkins cases have an open invitation to submit guest blog posts for possible posting.
Thank you.
Technorati Tags: psychology, educational psychology, school psychology, forensic psychology, court decisions, criminal psychology, criminal defense, Atkins cases, MR, ID, mental retardation, intellectual disability, death penalty, capital punishment, IQ, IQ scores, ABA, American Bar Association, ISIR, oral arguments