Thursday, December 19, 2013

Title Correction: Determining Intellectual Disability in the Courts: Focus on Capital Cases

12-20-13 Correction note:  The title listed at the AAIDD web page differs from the official title for this guide as submitted by the editor of this volume, and agree upon by the contributors.  The current title, and expected publication title, is:

 Determining Intellectual Disability in the Courts:  Focus on Capital Cases

The Death Penalty and Intellectual Disability: A Guide is now listed as a forthcomming publication at the AAIDD publications web page. A brief description from that page follows below

In the 2002 landmark decision Atkins v. Virginia 536 U.S. 304, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that executing a person with intellectual disability is a violation of the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment,” but left states to determine their own criteria for intellectual disability. AAIDD has always advocated against the death penalty for people with intellectual disability and has long provided amicus curiae briefs in Supreme Court cases. Thus, in this comprehensive new book published by AAIDD, notable authors in the field of intellectual disability discuss all aspects of the issues, with a particular focus on foundational considerations, assessment factors and issues, and professional concerns in Atkins assessments.

The projected publication is sometime this spring.

Conflict of interest statement: I am the author of two of the chapters:

-Intellectual Functioning: Conceptual Issues
-Norm Obsolescence: The Flynn Effect

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