We then took the concepts from the ITDR and, together with Dr. Sam Ortiz, presented a cross-battery approach to interpreting the Wechsler batteries.
And again, this book is no longer in print. This also means we no longer receive any $ for sales (conflict of interest disclosure). Table of contents for first three chapters below (click on images to enlarge)
The research, theory, and conceptual material in the second book is nearly identical to the first, but it was presented in the context of how to upgrade interpretation and understanding of the Wechsler batteries according to the CHC framework. Since then the same CHC overview material has been tweaked and updated in a series of CHC cross-battery books by Flanagan et al. But, the foundation of CHC theory, and how it can be integrated within a conceptual framework of test development and interpretation, is largely the same in these newer CHC cross-battery books.
Thus, given that these "mother and father" books are no longer in print, I took the liberty of copying the first three chapters of the Wechsler oriented book and am now making them available for my readers (click here). I make this material available to provide psychologists who have not done much reading regarding CHC theory an opportunity to have access to the basic foundation of CHC theory to help them see how it can be applied to the interpretation of an intelligence battery (in this case the Wechslers). By choosing the Wechsler material this also helps understand how the Wechsler batteries are evolving (either implicitly or explicitly--see Keith and Reynolds, 2010) when viewed from the lens of CHC theory.
But, one must recognize that this material is a bit dated. An update of CHC theory was later published in 2005 (click here to access...plus some other chapters), and was again updated this year by Schneider and McGrew (click here).
However, the CHC chapter I provide in this blog post, particularly when placed in the context of the Wechsler batteries, provides a solid foundation for understanding CHC theory and its impact on contemporary intelligence test development and interpretation. My goal is to increase awareness of CHC theory and its relevance to psychological assessment and interpretation. My goal is to spur others to become more current re: this now dominant framework in the field of applied IQ testing.
- Posted using BlogPress from Kevin McGrew's iPad