Tuesday, January 17, 2012

WJ III cognitive test deficits--base rates of number of deficient tests

Kudos to Scott Decker, Joel Schneider and Brad Hale for the excellent article on how to estimate base rates for the number of deficient test scores (using various levels of standard score deficit criteria (e.g., SS <= 80; SS <=70) in the Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ III) Standard and Extended cognitive batteries (tests 1-14). Not surprisingly, they find that the number of relative weaknesses a person displays is most likely more than most clinicians would believe.

Of more practical significance is a series of smoothed figures they provide, by age, which would allow clinicians to determine the base rate significance of number of deviant WJ III cognitive tests (from primary 14 tests).

Conflict of interest disclosure - I am a coauthor of the WJ III

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