Regular readers may have noticed a significant decrease in blog posts the past few weeks. Why?
I had moved all my blogging to my iPad as I have found it a much more efficient method for posting. However, a few weeks ago Apple released its new IOS5.0 operating system. After updating my iPad, my BlogPress app would crash. I visited the developers web page and they had a note indicating they were aware of the crash and had submitted a fix to Apple for review. I have been checking daily for the app upate, but it is not showing up. So, please be patient. I may go "old school" and do some blogging from my PC.
Also, I am just starting work with a professional web development company to integrate my IAP web page and professional blogs into a single professional looking (andmore efficient) web portal.. I will be spending significant time working with the developer on this new internet portal and migration of materials to the new server. I have no idea how long this will take.
In the end the work will be worth be patient. I will do what I can to get back "up" and blogging with more regularity. As soon as BlogPress gets the new app, you should see an uptick in posts.
Thanks for your patience