Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sharing Using Score Equating and Measurement Invariance to Examine the Flynn Effect in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale via BrowZine

Using Score Equating and Measurement Invariance to Examine the Flynn Effect in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Benson, Nicholas; Beaujean, A. Alexander; Taub, Gordon E.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol. 50 Issue 4 – 2015: 398 - 415


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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sharing Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Jury Decision Making via BrowZine

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Jury Decision Making
Hunt, Jennifer S.
Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol. 11 Issue 1 – 2015: 150724171920007


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Accessed with BrowZine, supported by University of Minnesota.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sharing Effects of language of assessment on the measurement of acculturation: Measurement equivalence and cultural frame switching. via BrowZine

Effects of language of assessment on the measurement of acculturation: Measurement equivalence and cultural frame switching.
Schwartz, Seth J.; Benet-Martínez, Verónica; Knight, George P.; Unger, Jennifer B.; Zamboanga, Byron L.; Des Rosiers, Sabrina E.; Stephens, Dionne P.; Huang, Shi; Szapocznik, José
Psychological Assessment, Vol. 26 Issue 1 – 2014: 100 - 114


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Sharing Behavioral Ethics Meets Legal Ethics via BrowZine

Behavioral Ethics Meets Legal Ethics
Robbennolt, Jennifer K.
Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol. 11 Issue 1 – 2015: 150720190125003


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